AndExplorer provides Intents for third party applications. Intents available are:
  • Select a file (to open or save as).
  • Select a folder (to open or save as).
  • Uncompress an archive (ZIP, GZIP, TAR, JAR).


Select file (Open File...):
You have to define an initial folder where file will be selected.
Intent intent = new Intent();
Uri startDir = Uri.fromFile(new File("/sdcard"));
intent.setDataAndType(startDir, "");

You can add filename filtering based on file extension:
intent.putExtra("browser_filter_extension_whitelist", "*.jpg,*.mp3,*.zip");

And setup title, colors, font size and list content:
intent.putExtra("explorer_title", "Open File...");
intent.putExtra("browser_title_background_color", "440000AA");
intent.putExtra("browser_title_foreground_color", "FFFFFFFF");
intent.putExtra("browser_list_background_color", "66000000");
intent.putExtra("browser_list_fontscale", "120%");
intent.putExtra("browser_list_layout", "2")

And start the Activity:
startActivityForResult(intent, OPEN_FILE_REQUEST);

Selected file will be returned in onActivityResult method:
Uri selectFile = intent.getData();

AndExplorer Open File Intent

Select file (Save File...):
You have to define an initial folder where file will be saved.
Intent intent = new Intent();
Uri startDir = Uri.fromFile(new File("/sdcard"));
intent.setDataAndType(startDir, "");

You can add textfield allowing end-user to fill in filename:
intent.putExtra("browser_line", "enabled");
intent.putExtra("browser_line_textfield", "yourfile.xml");

And setup title and colors:
intent.putExtra("explorer_title", "Save As...");
intent.putExtra("browser_list_background_color", "66000000");

And start the Activity:
startActivityForResult(intent, SAVE_FILE_REQUEST);

Selected file will be returned in onActivityResult method:
Uri selectFile = intent.getData();

AndExplorer Save File Intent

Select folder (Open Folder...):
You have to define an initial folder where folder will be selected and specify type for directories only:
Intent intent = new Intent();
Uri startDir = Uri.fromFile(new File("/sdcard"));
intent.setDataAndType(startDir, "");

You can add textfield allowing end-user to fill in folder name:
intent.putExtra("browser_line", "enabled");
intent.putExtra("browser_line_textfield", "newdirectory");

And setup title:
intent.putExtra("explorer_title", "Save Folder...");

And start the Activity:
startActivityForResult(intent, SAVE_FOLDER_REQUEST);

Selected folder will be returned in onActivityResult method:
Uri selectFile = intent.getData();

AndExplorer Open Folder Intent

Select folder (Save Folder...):
You have to define an initial folder where folder will be selected and specify type for directories only:
Intent intent = new Intent();
Uri startDir = Uri.fromFile(new File("/sdcard"));
intent.setDataAndType(startDir, "");

And setup title and colors:
intent.putExtra("explorer_title", "Select Folder...");
intent.putExtra("browser_list_background_color", "66000000");

And start the Activity:
startActivityForResult(intent, OPEN_FOLDER_REQUEST);

Selected folder will be returned in onActivityResult method:
Uri selectFile = intent.getData();

AndExplorer Save Folder Intent

Uncompress archive:
You have to define an archive to uncompress:
Intent intent = new Intent();
Uri uri = Uri.fromFile(new File("/sdcard/"));
intent.setDataAndType(uri, "application/zip");

And setup title:
intent.putExtra("archiver_title", "Uncompress into...");

And start the Activity:
startActivityForResult(intent, UNCOMPRESS_REQUEST);

Nothing returned in onActivityResult method

AndExplorer Uncompress Intent

The following table provides all properties available for AndExplorer Intents:

Property Description  Required 
Intent action To select a file or folder use: Intent.ACTION_PICK
To uncompress an archive use: Intent.ACTION_VIEW
Intent data Initial folder where AndExplorer will browse files and folders. Yes
Intent type To select a file, use: "".
To select a folder, use: "".
browser_filter_extension_whitelist List of file extension separated with comma for fie filtering. For instance: "*.jpg,*.mp3,*.zip". No
explorer_title Title text display in AndExplorer browser. No
browser_title_background_color AARRGGBB value for browser title background color. For instance, "440000AA".
browser_title_foreground_color AARRGGBB value for browser title foreground color. For instance, "FFFFFFFF". No
browser_list_background_color AARRGGBB value for browser list background color. For instance, "66000000" No
browser_list_fontscale Browser font scale. For instance, "120%".
browser_list_layout Identifier that allows selecting file info displayed in browser list:
0=simple list
1 = list with filename and size
2 = list with filename, size and date.
browser_line Additional text field at the bottom of browser to fill in or update file/folder selected. Use "enabled" to display it. Interesting when you plan Save As... feature.
browser_line_textfield Initial text in brower line textfield No


  Download AndExplorerClient source code
V1.0 [zip]

AndExplorerClient is a sample application demonstrating how to use Intents from thrid party applications. Each button triggers an Intent and returned result is displayed in a text field.

You can download source code to learn how to use such Intents.

AndExplorer client

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